
Chapellerie Traclet offers you Bailey hats and caps in a contemporary, sophisticated and unique style. In 1922, George S. Bailey founded the Bailey Hat Company in Los Angeles. Bailey founded the Bailey Hat Company in Los Angeles, and at a time when the Wild West was booming, the brand quickly made a name for itself with hats of a more chic design, in contrast to the traditional cowboy stetson.

Among our wide selection of Bailey hats, you'll find the perfect headwear to complete your outfits with chic and elegance!

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The Traclet Magazine

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Bailey - A long story

NARRATOR: It was 1922 when George S. Bailey founded the Bailey Hat Company in Los Angeles. At a time when the Wild West was booming, the brand quickly made a name for itself with hats at the more chic design unlike the traditional cowboy stetson.

California's economy is changing. It is in this context that Cinema and Hollywood will make their appearance. Hence the creation of a Bailey of Hollywood category: George Bailey quickly understood the impact that cinema was going to have on his business and created hats for the "Movie Stars" of the time with a single idea in mind: "The best hat possible".

His passion and the quality of these hats will quickly make him known throughout Los Angeles and these hats will land in a few years on the heads of the major stars of the time: Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Bing Crosby and Gary Cooper. On the strength of this reputation Bailey became the official supplier of the Hollywood elite. The quality is irreproachable and the models surf on the trend

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