The chapka, a winter must-have!
The chapka is the traditional Russian hat that gets you through the coldest weather. That's why the chapka is the ultimate protection against the cold, covering the entire head and ears, leaving only the face visible. In reality,the word " chapka" simply means "hat", and if we want to be exact, we should use the term "ouchanka", which comes from the Russian "ouchi" meaning "ears ". Themain characteristic of this headgear is to keep the ears warm .Equipped with folding parts to cover the nape of the neck and the ears, the chapka is often made of fur and guarantees perfect insulation against the cold.
Chapellerie Traclet offers you a wide choice of chapkas, made from a variety of materials and in many different colors... you'll be hard pressed not to find the one that suits you!
Chapka Collection