Terms of use

Terms of use

The merchant commits to you, visitors and customers of our site, to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal information you provide.

Our commitment to you, our site visitors and customers, is to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal information you provide to us: 


Caractère volatile des données recueillies sur le site du Commerçant

In order to process your order, we need to know and memorize some of the parameters communicated to us by your computer: we need to know who you are and which products you are buying. Cookies are programs used for just this purpose: to remember, for the duration of your visit, your identity (known thanks to your username and password) and the contents of your shopping cart as you fill it. Once you've finished shopping, this information is automatically deleted, our cookies being what we call "session cookies". So don't worry. 


Personal data protection

As a merchant site, the merchant collects a certain amount of information necessary to process orders and for various store events (holidays, sales and Traclet events). The merchant treats all such information with the utmost confidentiality. The automated processing of nominative information on the merchant's site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés under number 718275. 


Security certificate

In order to guarantee the security of our site and the confidentiality of information circulating on it, we have set up a security certificate enabling you to check that the connection with the site you are visiting is perfectly reliable. This certificate appears in a small window on the site. By clicking on the logo, you can access a set of information enabling you to identify us. You can also click on the padlock that appears at the bottom of your browser, to find out exactly what this certificate stands for. 


Compliance with French and European regulations

Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés en date du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification, de modification et de suppression concernant les données qui vous concernent. Vous pouvez exercer ce droit en nous envoyant un courrier à l'adresse suivante : 

Chapellerie Traclet
4 rue de Cadore
42300 Roanne


Photo rights

Toutes nos photos sont prises par nos soins, toutes resemblances a une existance ne saurais être fortuite. Par ailleurs, nous ne nous reservons pas le droit de nos photos; celle ci peuvent être emprunter dans le respect du droit à l image .


This website was created using the open-source solution PrestaShop™.


Chapellerie TRACLET
4, Rue de Cadore, 42 300 Roanne
Tel: FAX:
Email : contact@chapellerie-traclet.com
Intra VAT : FR94 823567631
Siret : 82356763100010
INPI registered trademark www.traclet.fr