Entretien du chapeau Chapellerie Traclet - chapeaux parfait, Roanne, Saint Etienne

Tips for storing and preserving your hats :

You have just acquired a hat and you want to keep it in good condition as long as possible. You will find here some tips to extend the life of your hat.

First of all, avoid as much as possible grabbing it by the top cap as is regularly done by hat wearers. Proper care is the key to prolonging the life of your hat

For more information, consult our white paper on hat care.

Télécharger le guide d'entretien du chapeau de la chapellerie Traclet

General advice on hat care :

1. Never lay your hat flat on a surface.
This could, in time, give the edges of your hat a bad shape.
It is best to turn it over, or better yet, use a hat box designed for this purpose.

2. To clean a stained straw hat, wipe it with a clean damp cloth.
For a felt hat, use a soft brush, always going counterclockwise.
Repeat as often as necessary. In addition, to make the felt come back, you can boil a pan of hot
water to obtain steam and this will restore the hat's hair to its original condition.

3. Because heat and perspiration can shrink the inner comfort band of the hat,
it is recommended that you never leave it near a radiator, lamp or on the back deck of your vehicle.

4. If your hat has been used in the rain, we advise you to turn the inner comfort band over, as well as
when it is made of leather, and leave it to dry without touching the hat.
Avoid leaving your wet hat lying flat.

5. To ventilate your inner comfort band, regularly turn it outward to
let it dry out when the hat is not in use.

6. On a felt hat, clean grease or moisture stains with talcum powder by brushing it gently
Avoid all liquid cleaners. Never put your hat in the washing machine. For cleaning, please send it to us for
a complete cleaning

7. Take your hat by the front or back brim as often as possible.